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Healthy Back to School Smile with Your Pediatric Dentist in Meriden

August 11, 2017

Filed under: Preventive Dentistry — Tags: , — mdg_team @ 1:16 am

Boy in dental chairIt is an exciting time of year as your child gets ready to head back to school. As you are making lists of supplies and clothing that are needed, be sure a healthy smile is at the top. When it comes to starting the school year, the American Dental Association says that a dental examination is just as important as immunizations as your child heads into a new grade. In addition to an appointment with their pediatric dentist in Meriden, there are several things you can do to ensure they have healthy teeth and gums throughout the year.

Schedule a Preventive Appointment

Every child over the age of two needs to see their dentist in Meriden twice a year for a cleaning and checkup. Children often have poor dental hygiene habits, which increases their risk for tooth decay. To protect their teeth, they need a professional cleaning twice a year to prevent cavities.

In addition to a cleaning, a comprehensive checkup is also important to monitor their dental health. During the examination, the health of the teeth and gums are evaluated to ensure that there are no complications that could cause them trouble during the school year, like a cavity. With quick diagnosis, the problem can be promptly treated to reduce the potential for a dental emergency interrupting their school day.

Make Brushing and Flossing Fun

Healthy oral habits start at home, but your child likely views brushing and flossing as chores. You can encourage proper oral hygiene techniques by making it fun. Let them choose their own dental products, such as a light up toothbrush. To ensure they clean their teeth for the correct length of time, play their favorite song for them to dance along with while they brush.

Pack Healthy Snacks

The foods and drinks your child takes for lunch can also influence their dental health. You want to pick those that are healthy for their teeth and gums, like nuts, low-fat dairy products, and fruits. It is best to avoid those that are high in sugar, like cookies and cakes. In addition, try to avoid anything that is sticky, like fruit snacks, which cling to the teeth and increase the risk for tooth decay.

When packing their drink, it is always best to choose water. Juices, sodas, and sports drinks contain high amounts of sugar, which will damage their teeth. With a healthy lunch, they will have the energy they need throughout the day while also promoting a healthy smile.

Dentist Near Me for Children

As summer vacation comes to an end and your child heads back to school, be sure to make their oral health a top priority. Schedule an appointment now before your days get busy with homework and afterschool activities.

Meriden Dental Group

At Meriden Dental Group, we provide individualized care to cater to the unique needs of all our patients, even young children. With the right care from an early age, we build generations of healthy smiles that will last for a lifetime.

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