When your dentist initially informs you that you need root canal therapy, you might be reluctant to consent to the procedure at first. Some people fear this treatment, while others question whether it is actually necessary. A number even postpone it due to concerns about its cost. Regardless of what might hold you back, it is important to think about the consequences of not receiving prompt care. What happens if you delay root canal treatment? This blog post touches on a few possibilities.
Pain and Discomfort
Teeth are a unique part of the human body because they cannot heal themselves. Therefore, if you have a broken or infected tooth, you should not expect the problem to resolve without professional care. Indeed, the situation is likely to worsen over time.
Even if your tooth is not causing much discomfort right now, you could soon become subject to a severe toothache if you do not undergo treatment.
A major goal of root canal therapy is to preserve a damaged tooth. However, it cannot work miracles. If the state of a tooth is bad enough, it becomes impossible to save. Therefore, if your dentist recommends that you undergo root canal therapy, you should schedule it as soon as possible. Unnecessary delays could leave you with a gap in your smile.
It is also worth keeping in mind that replacing a lost tooth can be rather expensive. Preserving the tooth via root canal therapy is a better long-term financial decision.
Systemic Illness
When an infection sneaks into the innermost layer of a tooth (called the pulp), it can easily spread into blood vessels that could carry it throughout the rest of the body. Some people have suffered significant systemic health problems that started out as a dental infection. In fact, a few people have even passed away because they did not get a root canal in a timely manner.
Also, bear in mind that antibiotics alone cannot get rid of a serious tooth infection. Removing the infected tissue may be the only way to protect your health.
How Long Can You Wait to Get a Root Canal?
If your dentist urges you to get a root canal, you should schedule the procedure within a few days — or a few weeks at the very most. The sooner you receive care, the less likely it is that you will face serious complications because of your infected tooth.
If you have some reservations due to concerns about money or discomfort, talk to your dental team. Financing or insurance can help you manage the cost, while sedation might be available to give you a comfortable experience. Most people find that getting a root canal is much easier than they initially thought!
Meet the Practice
Meriden Dental Group proudly offers root canal therapy and a range of other restorative services in our modern, welcoming office. If you are concerned about a damaged tooth or other oral health problems, we are ready to assess the situation and recommend a solution. Contact our expert team at 203-404-6800.